Do you want to be a successful student?
Do you want to see up to a 45% boost in your learning?
Educational researcher Ulrich Boser says that "how we learn often matters just as much as what we learn.”
Boser argues that the process of learning remains fairly consistent, no matter what the subject area or learning goal. Whether you are studying AP English, IB Calculus, writing your thesis, preparing for your SAT | GMAT | MCAT | LSAT or going back to school for professional learning, many of the same strategies can be applied. .
I will help you to develop effective study skills, master concepts, and
I can help you to identify Canadian high school, college and university options and programs that align with your goals and career path.
I help students navigate through 20 public universities, 24 colleges, and 400 registered private career colleges in Ontario. I guide students through admission and specific program requirements, scholarship applications, and career planning.
Additionally, I offer workshops on navigating academic supports, effective learning and study habits, and time management and organization.
Thinking about a post grad program to accelerate your career with specialized training? Let's work together to explore options that align with your goals.
Want to see up to a 34% increase in your understanding?
In order for students to succeed in their academic programs, they need to develop reading skills that enable them to interpret informational and graphic texts.
Most students take for granted how much effective note-taking affects learning. With online learning and lots of material, we often skip this step!
Why not learn some tips and strategies?
Work with me on Google Docs to take your note-taking to the next level.
I will help you to
This workshop is designed specifically to help you develop your writing skills. I will help you to
Writing is a process. Learn how to craft a strong and persuasive paper. Whether it's for high school, university, college or a postgrad program, work with me to elevate your writing!
You are a student who wants to learn better, achieve higher levels of success and excel in your studies. You are committed to your academics and believe that you are capable of reaching new heights. You're ready to begin and focus on you.
Work with me weekly or biweekly for a semester or school year. As your Academic Coach, I will keep you accountable, help you establish high expectations and create new realms of possibility.
I coach students by telephone or video call. Ongoing email support is available.
“The passion for stretching yourself and sticking to it, even (or especially) when it’s not going well, is the hallmark of the growth mindset. This is the mindset that allows people to thrive during some of the most challenging times in their lives.”
Carol S. Dweck, Mindset: The New Psychology Of Success
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